Friday, May 28, 2010

Mitch Hedberg

One of the best stand up comics ever. I just got on a Hedberg kick today and wanted to share. I freakin love this dude. Wish I would have seen him perform live.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Can NOT Wait For This Movie

Holy Shit! This is the best concept for an internet-sensation-turned-movie idea I've seen yet. It's not that it's so original that nobody would have thought about's that they found this guy and he is apparently everything you would hope for as a true character. I cannot freakin wait for this movie.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gandalf Freestyles

There are several reasons that this impression rocks. Not the least of which is that this kid is the last person on Earth (visually) that should be able to nail the Gandalf voice. I also dig what he actually does with the impression. Instead of just aping lines from the films, he puts an original spin on it.

For's his source material....

And now...Gandalf...

Here's my other favorite from this kid:

Speaking of "Saved By The Bell"...this is classic:

Thursday, May 13, 2010

The DJ

I used to internally debate over which is a crappier DJ....the guy at the roller skating rink that is a bit too old to be at the roller skating rink and he sat up in that booth with the carpeted walls around it and you had to stand on the tip toe stopper thing on your rental skates to request a Billy Squier song?...or...the DJ I saw once at a shoe store. Huh? Yeah, a fucking DJ was workin the 1's and 2's at the local shoe store in my little town. It was called the Shoe Carnival and the dude was running contests and spinning some crazy prize wheel and generally annoying the four people looking to buy their keds and get the fuck out of there. Well...the debate ends here. Unless you start with the guy at the dive strip club...whole different category.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Funny AND French

Alright...jokes and slags about the French are way too easy. I'm going to take the high road here and give credit where credit is due. This dude is seriously out of his mind. I can't decide whether I'd laugh or want to kill him if he pranked me...and I suppose therein lies the humor.

For the record, I am really surprised he's not more famous in the U.S. and I'm a little surprised he's still alive.

In any case, I truly laughed loud and often at this montage...and that is good enough for me.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Arnold Is A Classic

If you have almost ten minutes to spiral down the Arnold vortex, click below and marvel.