Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Almost New Year

Hint: She says, "no more pushing" right before the good part.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Saturday Medley

Sometimes in life you have to ask yourself and others..."Do you really mean to tell me that you are prepared to antagonize me? Are you sure you want to tangle with someone as awesome as me?" In short..."who you finna try?"

One badass I'm not finna try...Kurt Thomas, world class American gymnast. It seems producers thought the American public was hungry for a new kind of kick ass. One that combines the brute strength of karate with the grace and elegance of gymnastics. If only they could've wrangled Baryshnikov to play his Cold War Russian nemesis, The Ballet Ninja. Can you imagine the finale? Spoiler alert...the trailer tells you every single thing that happens in the entire movie and shows every fight scene. Sadly, no fight with Micky B.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Try as you may but you could not replicate (or exceed) the stench of this movie if you assigned three drunken Latvian coalminers the task of shooting the Elk's Club Bingo night with a VHS camera and a wobbly tripod.

And by that I mean, of course, I marvel at it and chuckle in utter disbelief. Found this one on Everything Is Terrible...a great blog with tons of funny shit.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Double "Holy Sh*t" Face, Eyebrow Raise Facepalm Question Mark

I seem to be stumbling onto more and more of these crazy, hilarious, and quite frankly, psychotic videos of people that are way too into their dance moves.

They make me laugh but I can't pinpoint why. I guess it's the same thing as making fun of my dad's glasses that are way too big. He loves them and doesn't give a shit. That gives me guilt free permission to goof. The indifference and sincere devotion is a lethal comedic combo.

In other words, I rationalize well. Enjoy. You're responsible for why you laugh.