Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Good Rule of Thumb

When I was young my father warned me against a couple of things. One of them was that you shouldn't go looking for trouble. The other is that you shouldn't mess with anyone that has less to lose than you do.

My father also knew that there was a low chance that I would become a frontiersman and ride around on a badass buffalo and shoot things.

In that case...the rule of thumb would have trouble and cause it where you don't initially find it. You're on a buffalo for Christ's sake. Don't be such a Nancy boy...punch a cougar if you feel like it. A real cougar. Not the 40 year old skanky chick at the bar.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Activision Ruined You

I typically don't go for video rants. It has been done.

Once in a great while, however, mock rage seems to turn into real rage and the dumber the subject the better the rant.

This dude starts off sorta under control but gets really worked up.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

That Was Awe-Some

The salute is good. The grenade is better. The crowd response is the best.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How To Hit A Moving Target

How do you know you are in for an epic death scene? *Spoiler Alert*....not even the blow up doll is safe.

DO NOT mess with cheesy douchebags in a jeep driving erratically on a lame dead end road in what appears to be Hawaii if you are armed only with a modified subaru car/truck, a skateboard, a meth dealing friend and a tucked in pastel-striped shirt. That's just bad guy 101, isn't it?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Whole Foods

Shit is gettin' real...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rockin' Into the Fourth

Like many Americans...I often forget what makes our country great. This video will do nothing to alleviate that forgetfulness. It will, in fact, distract you just long enough to laugh while not remembering why America is great...only to realize that this dude is actually from Canada.

Rhythm with the right hand...

Happy Fourth of July..Again...on July 3rd

Happy Fourth of July

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Turn Left Driver

Not THAT far left, dumbass...

He's ok...feel free to laugh.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Bad Cop Movie

Once again I find myself borrowing from Everything is Terrible.

Just when you thought you've seen the worst cop movie ever...

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wipe Like Safe

At the risk of the all-to-common modern day penchant for hyperbole, I declare this video..well...I declare...just...phew. Double Dream Feet!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Canada Is Funny

A compilation of "Rickyisms"...from the Canadian show "Trailer Park Boys"

...phrases that Ricky uses that sound almost like the correct thing but are completely wrong.

Do yourself the courtesy of watching the entire thing and turning it up. This is good shit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Than a Comic

Couldn't articulate it better than this video...if you don't already know/love George Carlin...please go back and listen. Research. Discover.

Lots more HERE

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mixed Bag

If you think your job is hectic...or you think you are hardcore...I hereby challenge you to swap your daily todo list with this guy.

My guess is that nowhere on your pussified list will I find anything remotely related to..."make sure Cobra nest is cleaned out".

Next time you hit a machine in attempt to make it work...

Never heard of this guy but apparently he has been popular on YouTube for awhile. It's too long but the guy is a funny character.

This is way too fucking long...but if you hang in will laugh in spite of yourself

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Smash it up Douche it up Chop it up Fess it up

First the smash up. Steven Seagal breaks bones. Don't forget that.

Next comes the Douche up... This video is older than dirt but funny and dead on:

The Chop up. Helicopter pilot is apparently unaware who he's messing with. Mayday...MAYDAY!:

Finally...the Fess-up:

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Bad Ass

Mario don't play...

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Whether drunk on vodka or drunk on the power of Jesus wizardry sometimes you just need to throw down....even if your opponent is a tree or a housewife at church.

It's close but on my scorecard the tree wins

This combines the best of both worlds...a drunk Russian and Mortal Kombat

Pointless, unrelated bonus video...creepy Bangladesh fan stares at the camera

Friday, March 11, 2011

Careless Whisper

Cheesy soft rock classic plus shirtless mullet plus ballsy guy plus sax plus video camera plus real life equals this clip. Great idea. Nice execution.

The unfortunate part is that for the first few seconds you have to endure the real guys that made this. They are annoying. Their video is great.

Anyone who opens a video with "what's up Internet!" or "what's up YouTube?!"...should be punched repeatedly in the soft part of the neck just below the ear.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Let'sa GO!

It is rare that I can say I dominate at something in life. Other than my couch and beer fridge, I can boldy stand before you and tell you that I absolutely dominated at all of the Mario Kart games. Yes...even Double Dash. Remi Galliard, however, has found a way to transcend my abilities and lay the smack down on the streets of Paris. I'm more of a Wario guy, but I've still gotta give it up.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Sometimes you gotta break the rules. Sometimes that can even mean hypnotizin' extreme cases it means Egyptian hypnotizin' motherfuckers. And THAT my friend may be the most illegal thing in the history of wrestling.

Break dancing, having 4 guys in the ring, doing the worm, and double body slamming people is apparently in bounds.

Do not be surprised if the clip itself hypnotizes you.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Simply The Best

Somebody right now is laughing and counting a shit ton of money as a result of last night's musical disaster referred to as The Black Eyed Peas Halftime Show.

Let's just call off the search for next year. We've got it right here:

I commend the crowd and the director here. Let the boos be heard boys. In fact, turn it up...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Dios Mio!

Not sure what to say about this one other than it made me laugh. So dumb...but I couldn't help myself. By the way...anyone else think this woman doesn't quite try hard enough to get up?

Pause it right at the :04 mark. It's almost as if he looks to the camera like, "hi! my name is Winston and this is called, 'The PiƱata'...woooo!"

"No" means "No" in both languages, dude.