Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wipe Like Safe

At the risk of the all-to-common modern day penchant for hyperbole, I declare this video..well...I declare...just...phew. Double Dream Feet!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Canada Is Funny

A compilation of "Rickyisms"...from the Canadian show "Trailer Park Boys"

...phrases that Ricky uses that sound almost like the correct thing but are completely wrong.

Do yourself the courtesy of watching the entire thing and turning it up. This is good shit.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

More Than a Comic

Couldn't articulate it better than this video...if you don't already know/love George Carlin...please go back and listen. Research. Discover.

Lots more HERE

Monday, April 11, 2011

Mixed Bag

If you think your job is hectic...or you think you are hardcore...I hereby challenge you to swap your daily todo list with this guy.

My guess is that nowhere on your pussified list will I find anything remotely related to..."make sure Cobra nest is cleaned out".

Next time you hit a machine in attempt to make it work...

Never heard of this guy but apparently he has been popular on YouTube for awhile. It's too long but the guy is a funny character.

This is way too fucking long...but if you hang in there...you will laugh in spite of yourself

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Saturday Smash it up Douche it up Chop it up Fess it up

First the smash up. Steven Seagal breaks bones. Don't forget that.

Next comes the Douche up... This video is older than dirt but funny and dead on:

The Chop up. Helicopter pilot is apparently unaware who he's messing with. Mayday...MAYDAY!:

Finally...the Fess-up: