Sunday, July 31, 2011

That Was Awe-Some

The salute is good. The grenade is better. The crowd response is the best.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

How To Hit A Moving Target

How do you know you are in for an epic death scene? *Spoiler Alert*....not even the blow up doll is safe.

DO NOT mess with cheesy douchebags in a jeep driving erratically on a lame dead end road in what appears to be Hawaii if you are armed only with a modified subaru car/truck, a skateboard, a meth dealing friend and a tucked in pastel-striped shirt. That's just bad guy 101, isn't it?

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Whole Foods

Shit is gettin' real...

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Rockin' Into the Fourth

Like many Americans...I often forget what makes our country great. This video will do nothing to alleviate that forgetfulness. It will, in fact, distract you just long enough to laugh while not remembering why America is great...only to realize that this dude is actually from Canada.

Rhythm with the right hand...

Happy Fourth of July..Again...on July 3rd

Happy Fourth of July