Sunday, January 31, 2010

Sunday Classic

The Dancing Outlaw is a 1991 documentary film about Jesco White, a West Virginia Mountain dancer, that caught fire years ago . Watch the first clip of it and perhaps you'll see why.

Jesco's family gets wild. Listen closely to his sister describing how often they do this

Jesco talks about eggs

Here's another

At one time there were enough clips on Youtube to watch the entire show. I can't seem to piece it together at the moment.

Here's Jesco's Wikipedia page
Here's the Official Site

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Japan Is A Different World

This video says a lot about Japan. Exactly what...I'm not sure. This bizarre and hilarious clip proves that litigation and liability issues have not ruined Japan just yet. This is a prank from a TV show.

Apparently in Japan you grab handles when you drop a deuce in a Porta-John.

So...dude has girlfriend hold the purse...enters porta john...drops his pants...grabs the handles and...


Don Hertzfeldt is fantastic. Watch this one and then go to his site HERE
Just brilliant.

Many have tried to copy his style but all have failed. A true original.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Tape Measure Experts I saw this on Boing Boing first. Yeah...that's right. So what? I love that site and I chose to share the same thing on my blog. You got a problem with that? that lame or what? Ugh. I'm just starting out here, I don't have eleventy-hundred people sending me cool funny shit. So for now watch this. If you haven't been to Boing Boing, you're missing it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

The News Formula

Here's a great one that a friend sent me. It's from the UK but their news is apparently the exact same formula.

I love the anonymous shots of midsections. So perfect.

More from Charlie Brooker HERE

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Couple Links

My friends point me in the direction of great stuff all the time. Here are a couple.

This one is from a buddy in advertising. It's called Stop Babies and Puppies and it allows you to make a cliche' commercial in minutes! Pretty damn funny...and sadly accurate

This one is from a friend who builds/develops web sites. It's a page where anonymous people post snippets (text) of real client interactions.

And just for the hell of it...

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Heavy Metal Parking Lot

Here's a small dose of one of my favorite films. It's from a 15 minute short called, "Heavy Metal Parking Lot". It's less of a documentary and more of just letting people be themselves in their truest form. Which, in this case, would be drunk Judas Priest fans in a parking lot before the show. Simple and fantastic, I suggest carving out 15 minutes some day and taking it all in...

I was a freshman in high school in '86 and knew tons of kids like this. Never thought I'd think that the '80s were simpler times...but there's something innocent in all their posturing and rebellion.

Stuff I Want

I'm not really sure what the hell I would do with this except float around 20 feet above the lake and be awesome...but I feel that might be enough for me. your you can shoot them at people. practical usage here. Just fun to have.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Time For Dumplings

So my wife decides that tonight is the night for dumplings. She is a comparative shopper with a sharp eye. work at an advertising agency. In comes the account for a fucking dumpling company. Great...I think I'll go huff paint. No...not if you work for the ad agency that reps Mary Hill Dumplings. No Sir. It's time to turn up the heat and get to know your target market. You smoke a shit ton of weed and pitch this gem to your client. And it works.'s a portrait of Mary herself...but dig deeper for the coup.

To borrow a phrase..Fuckin-A.

Bravo, sir. Well done. Not only is there irony but you hit a fucking home run with the most boring client since the Stanley Steamer account in '97.

Sidenote/Educated drug history is limited to a couple of joints and a whippet in my friend's driveway in the eighth grade...but i'm guessing that YES to drugs would lead to more YES to dumplings.

Monday McDonald's Fun

I think I'm going to get in the habit of posting fast food nonsense. Here's one from December. This woman goes batshit crazy because her order was messed up.

Perhaps just as entertaining are a couple of video responses I found.

One run-on sentence from this guy. (Click the's a guy talking, not the rampage again)

Expert analysis. Fat, mad, and no refund entitles the woman to go on criminal rampage. I love this! It's my favorite response. I believe she's being tongue-in-cheek but the fact that I can't decide makes it better. Works for me either way.

I like this guys attitude. He's pretty funny

And this guy....performing a one-man show recap of the incident

The video-response-jury awards McDonald's on this one, I believe. There are a ton more...most of which goof on the woman and "why is she at McDonald's?".

While I side with the rights of the customer, I believe I'm with Ronald on this one. The bucket of water? Ok..that would have been fun to throw...I think she lost me at destroying the cash registers.

Ok...this isn't related to McDonald's but just for shits and giggles..This woman destroys her drunken foe. The best is at around :34 when here daughter tries to show her something.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Bad Art + Sincerity = Magic

Say what you will about bad music, bad art, bad poetry...whatever. There is a word I'm searching for and if it doesn't exist I'm going to invent it. But it describes with style the feeling you get when you simultaneously realize that an artistic effort is both painfully bad and worthy of mockery...yet harmless, charming and confusing at the very same time. The result is usually laughter...but not the type of shitty "laughing AT you" sort...more of the appreciation/acceptance for the very reason that it is bad beyond ridicule.

Average Homeboy

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Conan's Farewell

Here's Conan's last speech. Really nice and sincere. I'm not a fan of late night television and wouldn't typically include this stuff on this blog, but I really like what he has to say.

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Couple of Classics

Nice Friday afternoon. Decided to post a couple classics.

Who Needs A Movie? Great question, Fred...Let's find out

Yes...this one is real. In fact, I would upgrade it to so real it's just vivid. Raw. You'll see.

I'm trying to steer clear of being too damn mean-spirited. Simply shitting on everything is not always comedy. I will flirt with that notion in this case, though, as I direct your attention to beautiful douche perfection. This is too good to leave out. File under, "unintentionally funny".

Another great one from Jon LaJoie

This one is perhaps one of my all time favorites. It's from a guy named Brad Neely. He did a ton of great work for SuperDeluxe (which is sadly not around anymore). He's outstanding. Here's the first Baby Cakes video.

Do yourself a favor and click HERE for more Neely. Tons of talent, this guy.


I love The Onion. Sometimes I think of headlines in the Onion style.

Local Man First To Point Out Rarity of Line For Men's Room

Big Johnson Somehow Thinks Of Another Dick Joke For Latest T-Shirt

Seafood Restaurant Searches For Slogan That Is Both Family-Safe And A Sexually Suggestive Double Entendre

Waitress With Cutest Handwriting Elected To Update Chalkboard Menu Again

A couple more without pics:

Internet Savvy Guy Calls Shenanigans

Inside Sources Reveal Oprah To Appear On Cover Of Next Month's O Magazine

Jeff Rules "The House That Jeff Built", Declares Jeff.

Local Man Nails Cool, Slightly Off-Centered Self Portrait For Facebook Page On First Take

The Elusive Boxer

A couple of years ago while visiting my grandfather, my wife and I marveled at a particular cabinet full of wood carvings. When I asked him about it, he plainly mentioned that he's been whittling for years. There were tons of really bad carvings but they had the quality of being carved with sincerity. I'm not sure what the word is for this, but my appreciation for this type of stuff is deep. Fast forward to the following Christmas when THIS arrived in a box from Grampa.

Look closely at the base...that's right. Behold. Mike freakin

Yes! If this actually looked anything remotely like Mike Tyson, I wouldn't want it on my desk.

My grandfather promised to make me a go-kart when I was ten. Still waiting. He promised to carve a gremlin for my wife. Still waiting. So...until Gramps rolls up in a go-kart with a gremlin riding shotgun, Mike Tyson will stand proud. Dukes up. Ready for action.

One oddity of note is that this particular Tyson is illusive in a Yeti sort of way. Look at my attempts with several old cameras to capture his prowess in some half assed artistic way. Tyson wasn't having it!

Attempt with a Smena8M

With my wife's Fuji:

Finally, my home made pinhole camera didn't stand a chance:

Turns out my Grampa is the best artist in the family.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


You get the idea in the first few seconds but there's something hypnotic and hilarious about it. He's a famous videobomber in Portugal. More of these videos HERE

For my money though...the best photo/video bomb is still this guy:

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Wild Kingdom

I've worked in stereotypical corporate offices before. I've seen meltdowns. I'm not in corporate America anymore but this makes me wish I was. These videos prove that we are all monkeys. The hidden camera makes it a bit like Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.

Like Chris Rock said...."there's always a reason...just don't DO it".

Remember the commercial where Willie B, the gorilla (RIP) beat the shit out of Samsonite luggage?

Maybe my favorite one of the bunch. For one....the guy just freaks. He goes from zero-to-bat-shit in 0.3. Two...nobody really intervenes. Three...well...there is no three...but I do love that the phone keeps ringing.

The best moment is at the very end.

Bar Fight

One of my favorites. It's been out for awhile but I'm compelled to post it because I love it.

As a rule, I will choose funny over timely. So forgive me if you see a video and it's old and that makes me behind the times.

Yoda Gives Crap Advice

I'm sure we all have some place in our hearts for the Star Wars movies. I know I grew up with them. I saw the first one at the drive -in theatre sitting in a '73 Buick. As a kid I loved Yoda. I thought he was cool and he gave good advice. However, after watching this clip with a fresh perspective two things come to mind. One...Luke is a bit of a whiney bitch. Two...Yoda's advice kinda sucks.

There is no try?

I notice you are about 900 years old, you live in a shit stain of a house with no wife, friends or neighbors. How about you TRY to clean up the place once and awhile. How about you TRY to shower and put on something other than that janky-assed Jedi snuggie?

Maybe then you could make some friends that don't have 6 eyes and an ass crack on their face for a change. Perhaps maybe you could have a girlfriend..maybe move to the city or something. In short...TRY. You are the most depressing being in the whole movie. TRY a mirror Master Yoda...or at least some toothpaste.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Your Head May Explode

Back in the 80's when Rock and Roll ruled, these guys got together and set some shit straight with respect to some awareness about some shit that needed your attention and donations and stuff.

This is so stunningly bad in an awesome way...I cannot add to this piece of art with mere words.


...and by the way..if you don't recognize and/or fondly remember any of these voices or faces, I invite you to turn your attention back to your crap-filled-ipod-nano and leave the rock to these guys. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to flip my mix tape cassette.

Thanks for the Submission

So I ask as couple friends to feel free to send me funny stuff they see so I can post to my blog. This is what one friend sent. Thanks. No really. He sent me a link about porn and then this. Perhaps I'll do a post on him soon. Jesus.

Oh look, I've got a's my 94 year old grandma. She says my blog is for pussies. Perfect.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Regular Everyday Normal Guy

This has been out for a couple years but in the off chance you haven't seen or heard of this guy...enjoy. More HERE

Get Fired Up, Alaska

Alaska Nanooks 2010 Hockey Intro from Szymon Weglarski on Vimeo.

In an attempt to energize the otherwise docile fans of various sporting events, marketing and promotional guys get in a room and "think tank" about what type of imagery and music on the jumbo tron will do the trick. Well, the boys at UAF have figured out a way to fire you the fuck up for some small college hockey...and it's an angry bear awoken from the icy depths. Beware, submit, move out the way...and get your fat ass up out of that chair...stand in awe...make some noise.

There are many more of these videos HERE but posting them all in the same place would bend the space time continuum....not that the bear doesn't do that every home game or anything.